WOL takes on Marathon Cities!

“It’s about concurring the distance and overcoming your challenges… not always about beating the clock”

Myrtle Beach Marathon
Talk about a windy race! With sustained winds at 20-25mph WOL athletes truly embraced a difficult challenge and all had solid races.
Tay Filer crushed his lifelong goal to break 3 hours with a wisty time of 2:57. Way to go!
Philip Davis struggled with pace due to major watch issues (ask Philip why you can’t always depend on your garmin for pace:) but still had a nice race time of 3:40.
Shawn Wellersdick ran a solid half marathon during marathon training on a very very windy day.

Azalea Triathlon
The WOL team all had great races, securing 6 spots in the top 10. Coach Matt Wisthoff wins for the 10th out of 11 years, and right on his heels were 4 others; Harrison Brown who placed 2nd overall, Phil Meyer in 5th, Lawrence Landrigan in 6th (with a nice first race of the season and 1st in AG 35-39), Shawn Rhodes taking 8th overall and Jennifer Barker in 9th (2nd in AG).
Jake Godwin and Corey Maarschalk were all smiles out there and pushed hard taking 2nd in their AGs.
David McBride and Charlie Jackson both started the season with a PR.
Nick Monroe raced his 3rd Triathlon ever and 1st in 4 years!  Way to show up and represent. Here’s to IMNC 70.3
Phil Jewett has transformed from runner to awesome TRIathlete and he’s hooked now! Congrats and here’s to an adventurous 2018.
Laurie Stuhcke placed 4th in her AG and jumped in this one for fun! You rock and represent #dowork. Marianna Boucher has improved so much and had an awesome finish! You have a very Proud Coach!
Cate Peich, Andrea Milman, Nicole Moss (Jen’s Giraffes) started their Tri seasons with a bang and all had great races despite the cold and wind! Always giving it their all.

Umstead Marathon
Coach Kristen loves trails and had a great time.

New Orleans Rock n Roll ½ Marathon
Katie Elzer-Peters really enjoyed this race.  She said “I had such a great time running this race yesterday. I have gotten to experience cities in such an interesting way”.

New Orleans rock n roll 10k
Ned Glascock did the New Orleans 10k. He trained so hard for his race and had a great day!

Austin TX Half Marathon
Michelle and Logan Bonathan raced the Cowtown half marathon in Austin TX.  Michelle pulled off a 5 minute PR and both had super solid races.

BNP trail jam
Gary Stevetns 7th overall in the 3.5 miler
Josh Adams 2nd overall in the 9 miler
Shawn Rhodes 5th overall in the 9 miler
Peyton Chitty 13th overall in the 9 miler
Kelli Kerkhoff – post marthon high racing
Susan Shafer did the 9 miler bungeed to her race partner as a practice run for lake James’s swimrun.
Anglea Leonard – 9 miler tied with Susan for SwimRun practice
Beth Brampton – challenged and conquered! Nice work BB
Anna Maltly – training strong for swimrun and did awesome! 🙂
Sarah Horton – mixed in some trails with her 18 mile long run! Nice work
Nicole Moss also did the 9 miler. She said she had a great time and even as a battle wound to prove it
Coach Kolk won the 18 miler training for the WB Marathon followed by Mr. Rolando Garica in 5th.

Middle Georgia Epic

Congrats to Bud Woodrum taking the overall win. BEAST! Bud not only won, but rode a single speed bike! DOMINATION

New Jersey Marathon

Congrats to Eric Rasmussen 2:40:00 marathon!  Dude is a beast!

Cardinal Strut

Rob Ward – 1st overall with a huge PR of 35:39
Harrison Brown also PRed 36:28
Brittany Caffee – 3rd in 30-34 AG 58:49
Kyle Shepard – 1st in AG 45-49 42:50
Charles Buckland – 1st in AG 55-59 50:53

In the 5K
Allison Munford – 1st female in 21:52